IASON Project has the ultimate goal to establish a permanent and sustainable Network of scientific and non-scientific institutions, stakeholders and private sector enterprises belonging in the EU and third countries located in two significant areas: The Mediterranean and the Black Sea regions. The main focal points of the project will be the usage and application of Earth Observation (EO) in the following topics:
- Actions to address climate changes
- Research and innovation to improve resource efficiency
- Raw Material Management
In order to achieve its goal the IASON network will set the following objectives:
- Record, map, and categorize thematically and geographically scientific output achieved by regional and EU funded research creating a portfolio of existing prominent results.
- Capacity Building through data integration and interoperability.
- To asses projects results and their applications in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Regions under the three thematic nodes (coastal monitoring, water and soil resources management, and mining and mineral exploration).
- Establish an EO network covering the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins.
- Engage in activities that will foster cooperation between the network’s members/countries and in particular between the EU and the non-EU members/countries on recorded gaps.
- Provide consultations to and develop firm links with regional and local institutions, stakeholders and policy makers bridging research agendas with EU priorities for 2020.
- Develop a toolkit for fostering and promoting access of regional research institutions to funding opportunities towards a sustainable and market oriented uptake of research results.
- Create and maintain thematic nodes of stakeholder communities that will act as focal points for future research interactions.