Project Deliverables

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IASON EOPOWER TN Architectural Framework for a capacity Building System of System
J.C. Desconnets (ESPACE-DEV, IRD), P. Mazzetti (CNR-IIA)
12 May 2015
Several past and on-going projects have collected or are collecting information about Capacity Building resources (i.e. stakeholders contacts, description of initiatives and activities, training material, etc) on different geographical areas and about different topics. They usually delivered or will deliver this information in a form of a database, possibly accessed with a Web based interface. In some cases a service interface is also provided. They usually structure their information according to proprietary schemas make it accessible through proprietary interfaces. In order to avoid replication of efforts and to achieve a better mobilization of resources (often provided by EU funds under the Framework Programme) it is necessary to assure the interoperability between these systems. Since the related projects have different objectives and different timelines the proposed solution needs to allow keeping systems autonomous.
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D3.4 Workshop II Report and Material
File Size:
2.49 MB
Mamuka Gvilava, Yaniss Guigoz, Pierre Lacroix, Dorian Gorgan, Teodor Stefanut, Victor Bacu, Kostas Smagas, Abderrahmane Touzani, Anas Emran
29 April 2015

The document describes in details all phases of design, implementation and dissemination of results of the IASON Workshop II, that was organized in Batumi, Georgia, 30-31 October 2014, by GIS and RS Consulting Center GeoGraphic, in collaboration with UNIGE, UTCN, GEO and AUTH and in synergy with European Cross-Border Cooperation ILMM-BSE Project. The Workshop II was organized in celebration of the international Black Sea Day of 31 October and was endorsed by the Black Sea Commission Permanent Secretariat and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia and its National Environmental Agency.

Contributors: Petros Patias, Charalampos Georgiadis, Boris Antic

WP: 3

Nature: R

Dissemination: PU

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D5.4 Workshop material in 5 different languages of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Regions
File Size:
932.74 kB
27 April 2015
The document describes the material related to the workshop ‘Bringing GEOSS Services into Practice’, that was developed by UNIGE, UNEP/GRID-Geneva and CNR and translated into five different languages of the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions: Arabic, Croatian, French, Serbian and Spanish. As of November 2014 the material is being translated to a sixth language: Russian.
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D5.3 Toolkit for integration and harmonization of datasets with GEOSS
File Size:
2.40 MB
Paolo Mazzetti (CNR-IIA) Roberto Roncella (CNR-IIA) Pierre Lacroix (UNIGE) Yaniss Guigoz (UNIGE)
27 April 2015
The present document is a report describing the deliverable D5.3 of the IASON Project: a toolkit for integration and harmonization of datasets with GEOSS. In the IASON project, the toolkit is the outcome of an action aiming to the “integration and harmonization of data sets in the three nodes with regard to GEOSS by adopting the EuroGEOSS brokering approach for data sharing, knowledge dissemination, and stakeholder meeting place”, following the approach “recently adopted by the GCI which includes a Discovery& Access Brokering framework”. The three nodes cited in the previous statement are those planned to share the resources coming from the uptake of past projects: PEGASO, enviroGRIDS, IMPACTMIN. The EuroGEOSS brokering approach [EuroGEOSS Broker] is the brokering solution [NATIVI 2012] for metadata and data sharing developed in the FP7 EuroGEOSS project and then proposed to GEOSS, and currently adopted in the GEO Discovery and Access Broker (GEO DAB) component of the GEOSS GCI
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D5.2 A common platform enabling methodologies and regional assessment of projects results by country and/or catchment for the Mediterranean and the Black Sea region
File Size:
1.30 MB
27 April 2015
The document reports on the deliverable D5.2: a common platform enabling methodologies and regional assessment of projects results by country and/or catchment for the Mediterranean (MED) and Black Sea (BS) region.
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D5.1 Methodology toolkit for helping assess regional needs and priorities within the 3 pillars and the 2 regions of interest
File Size:
2.23 MB
Marco Massabo (CIMA), Paolo Mazzetti (CNR), Nico Bonora (ISPRA)
27 April 2015
The report describes the methodology toolkit for helping assess gaps and priorities in the three pillars (Climate Action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Material). The methodology toolkit proposed here is based on the monitoring of existing activities that are systematically monitored, and updates. The toolkit is linked to the stakeholder and initiative database built in WP5 and it is based on semantic web and graph databases.
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D4.2 Research and Funding agendas Watch
File Size:
2.67 MB
Mark Noort
27 April 2015
The deliverable that concerns the research and funding agenda watch is not a report but the agenda watch itself: results, updates and opportunities will be published on the IASON website. However, the background information and analysis that forms the basis for the start of research and funding agenda watch is published here in the form of a working document. The term working document implies that, although it is a snapshot of the situation in time, it contains useful information and the initial analysis of the research and funding agenda watch. The subjects that are dealt with are the main focal point of the IASON project: - Coastal monitoring, representing the pillar of climate action, - Water and soil resources management, representing resource efficiency, - Mining and mineral exploration, representing raw material management, and earth observation in general, which is covered by looking at the spatial dimension of the different subjects, priorities and indicators.
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D2.6 Multilevel assessment and Gap Analysis
File Size:
1.57 MB
Paolo Mazzetti (CNR-IIA) Nico Bonora (ISPRA) Pierre Lacroix (UNIGE) Yaniss Guigoz (UNIGE) Marco Massabò (CIMA) Alessandro Candeloro (Dipartimento Protezione Civile - Italia)
27 April 2015
The present document is the deliverable D2.6 of the IASON Project, dedicated to a multilevel assessment and gap analysis. It aims to contribute to one of the general objectives of the ENV.2013.6.5-4 call: “The final product will be concrete proposals for upgrading the joint research and innovation agenda at more strategic levels and linking major EU projects or clusters of them with projects/networks in the countries of the region and the potential users, such as policymakers and industry. It will also identify potential sources of funding (national, EU, international) other than FP7” [ENV.2013.6.5-4].
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D4.1 Funding Organizations and Institutes Database
File Size:
2.17 MB
Petros Patias, Charalampos Georgiadis (AUTH)
06 June 2014

This document describes the structure of the IASON Funding Organizations and Institutes Database. The scope of D4.1 is to collect information and contact details about funding organizations and institutes focusing on Earth Observation in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region. The objective of D4.1 is to categorize and record all relevant information of funding organizations and institutes into a common reference database platform. The IASON funding organizations database is build on the structure of the PNF database and IASON Capacity Building Database.

Contributors: Project Partners
WP: 4
Nature: O
Dissemination: PU

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D3.1 Twinning and Training material toolkit
File Size:
6.71 MB
Dorian Gorgan (UTC), Teodor Stefanut (UTC)
06 June 2014

IASON Virtual Meeting Place (VMP) supports access of stakeholders, research institutes, and specialists to training and teaching materials regarding the applications and tools developed through various projects in the region. Users may develop themselves such presentations, and may consult other already created documents (i.e. as links, files, and eGLE materials). The IASON VMP solution has been built based on the eGLE platform, which supports the development of training and teaching materials. IASON VMP resources are included and available from the IASON Portal. This document describes the concepts, architecture, implementation, and using of the Virtual Meeting Place in the IASON project.

Contributors: Boris Antic, Vladan Minic (UNS)
WP: 3
Nature: O
Dissemination: PU

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D3.2 EO applications information package and toolkit
File Size:
24.62 MB
Petros Patias, Charalampos Georgiadis (AUTH), Mark Noort (HCP), Orhan Altan (EKINOKS)
06 June 2014

This document describes the concept and the structure behind the IASON EO applications information package and toolkit. The goal of D3.2 is

  • To develop an information package and toolkit with respect to EO applications and tools regarding coastal monitoring, water and soil resources management, and mining and mineral exploration, with respect to policy related results regarding the FP7 Environment Theme.
  • To extend if possible the toolkit with other EO applications relevant to the identified regional and national needs with respect to the European EO Horizon 2020 Agenda.

Our scope is to provide users with an EO application information package and toolkit primarily focused in the three thematic pillars of IASON and extended in H2020 societal challenge 5 themes. Furthermore the EO application information package and toolkit will be extended to include information about GEO societal benefit areas (Agriculture, Biodiversity Climate, Disasters, Ecosystems, Energy, Health, Water, and Weather).

Currently a full EO applications information package and toolkit regarding agriculture has been implemented. Furthermore four more packages have been deployed presenting best cases regarding EO applications in the field of disasters, energy, biodiversity and water.

It must be underlined that the creation of the EO applications information package and toolkit will be an ongoing activity during the project’s lifetime, where new material will be added the dedicated web site section by the consortium members and web site users, thus enriching the IASON Common Information Platform (CIP).

Contributors: Project Partners
WP: 3
Nature: R
Dissemination: PU

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D3.3 Workshop I Report and Material
File Size:
3.43 MB
Abderrahmane Touzani, Anas EMRAN, Nicolas Ray, Yaniss Guigoz, Pierre Marcel Anselme Lacroix, Gregory Giuliani, Dorian Gorgan, Victor Bacu, Danut Mihon, Fatima HARA
06 June 2014

The document describes in details all phases of design, implementation and dissemination of results of the IASON Workshop 1, that was organized in Rabat-Morocco 30-31 January 2014, by CRASTE-LF in collaboration with UNIGE, UTC and AUTH.

Contributors: Petros Patias, Charalampos Georgiadis
WP: 3
Nature: R
Dissemination: PU

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D2.7 The IASON refined version of the EGIDA methodology for the Black Sea and Mediterranean regions
File Size:
1.76 MB
Paolo Mazzetti (CNR-IIA), Yaniss Guigoz (UNIGE), Pierre Marcel Anselme Lacroix (UNIGE)
06 June 2014

The present document is the deliverable D2.7 of the IASON Project providing an update to the EGIDA Methodology to include experiences from the IASON project and addressing specificities of the Black Sea and Mediterranean regions.

Contributors: All Project Partners
WP: 2
Nature: R
Dissemination: PU

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D2.1 Report on Existing Thematic Networks (in the three focal areas) in the Mediterranean Region
File Size:
9.00 MB
Paolo Mazzetti (CNR-IIA) Stefania Fusani, Nico Bonora, and Mariangela Soraci (ISPRA) Marco Massabò, Miranda Deda, and Emanuela Toto (CIMA)
06 June 2014

The knowledge about existing networking and research initiatives in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions is fundamental for achieving the IASON main goal of fostering sustainability and uptake of research results through networking activities. Since the objective is not just to provide a report about the situation at a given time, it was decided to setup a database of initiatives and stakeholders which can be maintained up-to-date throughout the duration of the project and possibly beyond. This would allow to carry out further analysis, identify gaps and needs, and design possible actions. The experience of the BalkanGeoNet Permanent Networking Facility was considered positive and it was decided to replicate and adapt it. A IASON Initiative and Stakeholders DB was then designed based on the BalkanGeoNet PNF database structure. It has been filled collecting information from relevant initiatives known to the project consortium. and an invitation sent to the contact persons of the identified initiatives. In the next months, the Initiative and Stakeholders DB with data collected in this first phase, will be provided with a Graphical User Interface to setup the IASON Permanent Networking Facility.

The responses to the questionnaire have been analyzed to provide a report about Existing Thematic Networks in the Mediterranean region. The analysis shows that the information collected so far mainly covers EU-funded projects and therefore further activities is needed to include information about national/regional initiatives in the IASON PNF. EU-funded projects are a valuable source of existing or potential networking actions in the Mediterranean region.

Contributors: Project Partners
WP: 2
Nature: R
Dissemination: PU

Rating: 4.5 / 2 votes  
D2.5 Report on IASON Stakeholders and Initiatives Database
File Size:
1.50 MB
Marco Massabò, Miranda Deda, and Emanuela Toto (CIMA); Paolo Mazzetti (CNR-IIA); Mariangela Soraci, Nico Bonora, and Stefania Fusani (ISPRA)
28 November 2013

This document describes the structure of the IASON Capacity Building (CB) database (DB). Within this document, CB DB contains information and data that can help the Capacity Building process such as a directory of resource providers, technical experts, open source software, sponsored EO resources, thematic EO products, tutorial and technical guidelines, past and on-going initiatives/projects. IASON CB DB is built on the structure of the PNF database. The PNF database is expanded in order to comply with the requirements of IASON CB DB. This document is dedicated to the technical aspect of IASON PNF DB structure.

Contributors: Project Partners
WP: 2
Nature: O
Dissemination: PU

Rating: 5 / 1 vote  
D2.4 Report on Finished and Ongoing research efforts (in the three focal areas) in the Black Sea Region
File Size:
9.00 MB
Nico Bonora, Stefania Fusani, and Mariangela Soraci (ISPRA); Paolo Mazzetti (CNR-IIA); Marco Massabò, Miranda Deda, and Emanuela Toto (CIMA)
28 November 2013

The knowledge about existing networking and research initiatives in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions is fundamental for achieving the IASON main goal of fostering sustainability and uptake of research results through networking activities. Since the objective is not just to provide a report about the situation at a given time, it was decided to setup a database of initiatives and stakeholders which can be maintained up-to-date throughout the duration of the project and possibly beyond. This would allow to carry out further analysis, identify gaps and needs, and design possible actions. The experience of the BalkanGeoNet Permanent Networking Facility was considered positive and it was decided to replicate and adapt it...

Constriubtors: Project Partners
WP: 2
Nature: R
Dissemination: PU

Rating: 5 / 1 vote  
D2.3 Report on Finished and Ongoing research efforts (in the three focal areas) in the Mediterranean Region
File Size:
7.20 MB
Stefania Fusani, Nico Bonora, and Mariangela Soraci (ISPRA); Paolo Mazzetti (CNR-IIA); Marco Massabò, Miranda Deda, and Emanuela Toto (CIMA)
28 November 2013

The knowledge about existing networking and research initiatives in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions is fundamental for achieving the IASON main goal of fostering sustainability and uptake of research results through networking activities. Since the objective is not just to provide a report about the situation at a given time, it was decided to setup a database of initiatives and stakeholders which can be maintained up-to-date throughout the duration of the project and possibly beyond...

Contributors: Project Partners
WP: 2
Nature: R
Dissemination: PU

Rating: 5 / 1 vote  
D2.2 Report on Existing Thematic Networks (in the three focal areas) in the Black Sea Region
File Size:
9.00 MB
Paolo Mazzetti (CNR-IIA); Nico Bonora, Stefania Fusani, and Mariangela Soraci (ISPRA); Marco Massabò, Miranda Deda, and Emanuela Toto (CIMA)
28 November 2013

The knowledge about existing networking and research initiatives in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions is fundamental for achieving the IASON main goal of fostering sustainability and uptake of research results through networking activities. Since the objective is not just to provide a report about the situation at a given time, it was decided to setup a database of initiatives and stakeholders which can be maintained up-to-date throughout the duration of the project and possibly beyond...

Contributors: Project Partners
WP: 2
Nature: R
Dissemination: PU

Rating: 3 / 2 votes  
D6.4 IASON Fact Sheet – e-newsletter
File Size:
3.79 MB
Petros Patias, Charalampos Georgiadis, Roko Andricević, Snježana Knezić, Petra Šimundić
16 October 2013

The IASON fact sheet is part of the IASON’s task 6.2 Dissemination activities. Task 6.2 has the objectives, among others, to stimulate the involvement of multi stakeholders, to establish permanent links with European Environmental and related leading organizations, to disseminate IASON results, to produce and distribute the IASON digital material, to produce the IASON factsheet, to develop and distribute the IASON project e-newsletters, etc.

Contributors: Konstantinos Smagas, Stratos Stylianidis
WP: 6
Nature: O
Dissemiantion: PU

Rating: 5 / 1 vote  
D1.2 Quality Assurance & Risk Management Plan
File Size:
1.96 MB
16 October 2013

The Quality Assurance and Risk Management Plan which is described in this deliverable describes the wide-ranging approach to quality assurance as well as the procedures that the project team has to follow for partner communication, documentation and deliverable production.

Contributors: AUTH
WP: 1
Nautre: PP
Dissemination: CO

Rating: 5 / 1 vote  
D1.1 Project Management Guide
File Size:
2.76 MB
Petros Patias, Charalampos Georgiadis
16 October 2013

Management guide for project implementation. Explains the structure of the consortium as well as their duties and obligations during project lifetime. Also explains the different management processes for planning, monitoring and reporting. The information flow and the various project management tools are mentioned. A section is dedicated to the conflict resolution and the deliverable closes with the structure of the WP1 - Project Management.

Contributors: Konstantinos Smagas, Aris Anastasiadis
WP: 1
Nature: PP
Dissemination: CO

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