Venue: Rabat, Morocco Dates: January 30-31, 2014 Collocated with IASON and EOPOWER Meeting in Rabat, January 29, 2014
List of Participants
Training on bringing GEOSS services into practice, January 30-31, 2014
(prepared by University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Public: novice GIS users with some computer basics
Number of participants: 50 trainees, each behind an individual computer
Program of the training:
- Ch 1. Concepts on spatial data infrastructures
- Ch 2. How to store geospatial data? (PostGIS and flat rasters)
- Ch 3. How to publish geospatial data? (GeoServer, WMS, WFS, WCS, KML, SLD)
- Ch 4. How to document and search geospatial data? (GeoNetwork, CSW, ISO metadata)
- Ch 5. How to process geospatial data? (Python, WPS, PyWPS)
- Ch 6. How to view geospatial data? (WMS, OpenLayers, QGIS, KML)
- Ch 7. How to download geospatial data? (WFS, WCS, QGIS)
- Ch 8. How to analyze geospatial data? (WPS local/remote)
- Ch 9. How to share geospatial data? (GEOSS, Discovery and Access Broker)
Photos - Day 1
Photos - Day 2