


Prof. Petros Patias

School of Rural & Surveying Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki 541 24 Greece

Phone: +30 2310 99 6116

Fax: +30 2310 99 6128

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IASON project coordinator

As the Project cooridnator Prof. Petros Patias is a sole liaison to the EC and has the overall responsibility concerning IASON scientific, financial, legal, public relations and administrative activities. Prof. Patias has a huge experience in research while he served as Project Manager, Principal Researcher or member of Research Group to a total of 72 Research Projects funded by National or European Organizations. He is also reviewer in national and European level for research proposals. In his record, one can find: 9 Dissertations / Monographs / Books and 183 scientific publications in international journals and conference proceedings. Prof. Patias is a member of scientific and organising committees of various international conferences and workshops. He is also Co-chair of the ISPRS Special Interest WG “Technology Transfer Caravan” (2008-2012) and Member of the ISPRS Ad-hoc Committee on “Knowledge transfer” (2008-2012), Chairman of WG3 of the EEGECS Thematic Network, Honorary President of CIPA (2013-for life). FP7 OBSERVE coordinator. Editor-in-chief of the South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics.

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