Earth Observation for Economic Empowerment Proiect FP7 Nu. 603500 iunie 2013 - mai 2015 (EOPower) |
Balkan GEO Network - Towards inclusion of all balkan countries into global Earth observation initiatives Proiect FP7 Nu. 265176 noiembrie 2010 - octombrie 2013 (BalkanGEONet) |
Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development Proiect FP7 Nu. 226740 aprilie 2009 - martie 2013 (enviroGRIDS) |
GEO Network for Capacity Building Proiect FP7 Nu. 244172 noiembrie 2009 - mai 2013 (GEONETCab) |
Coordinating Earth and Environmental cross-disciplinary projects to promote GEOSS Proiect FP7 Nu. 265124 septembrie 2010 - decembrie 2012 (EGIDA) |
People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast Proiect FP7 Nu. 244170 februarie 2010 - ianuarie 2014 (PEGASO) |
Impact Monitoring of Mineral Resources Exploitation Proiect FP7 Nu. 244166 ianuarie 2010 - decembrie 2012 (IMPACMIN) |
Mediterranean Science, Policy, Research & Innovation Gateway Proiect FP7 Nu. 311780 februarie 2013 - ianuarie 2017 (MEDSPRING) |
SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN: Sustain and enhance cooperation on sustainable development between Europe and Southeast Asia Proiect FP7 Nu. 603518 iunie 2013 - mai 2016 (SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN) |
ENSOCIO-LA: Strategic, Sustainable R&I Cooperation with Latin America (Climate Action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials) Proiect FP7 Nu. 603959 mai 2013 - aprilie 2015 (ENSOCIO-LA) |
REsearch network for forward looking activities and assessment of research and innovation prospects in the fields of Climate, Resource Efficiency and raw mATErials Proiect FP7 Nu. 603860 julie 2013 - iunie 2018 (RECREATE) |
Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Indicators for North Africa Proiect FP7 Nu. 282977 octombrie 2011 - septembrie 2014 (MEDINA) |
IASON - Fostering sustainability and uptake of research results through Networking activities in Black Sea & Mediterranean areas |