Novi Sad GEO Workshop - The future of Earth observation activities in the wider Balkan area September 19-21, 2013 Novi Sad, Serbia


The event in Novi Sad gathered over 150 experts from 6 on-going and 3 past FP7 projects, renowned representatives the European Commission, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), as well as the representatives of the governments from the region. The workshop was a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the latest achievements in coordination of the Earth observation (EO) activities and to address questions of interest for its future in the wider Balkan area.


IASON 2nd project technical meeting and IASON EOPOWER Joint meeting September 18-20 2013 Novi Sad Serbia.


The second IASON project meeting took place in Novi Sad Serbia the 18th of September 2013 and was hosted by the University of Novi Sad within the framework of the Balkan Geo Net final event. The first part of the meeting was held on Wednesday,

September 18, 2013 and a number of presentations were held by the project partners regarding all important elements of the project. More specifically CNR & ISPRA presented progress on Existing Thematic Networks and on-going Research Efforts in MED & BS, CIMA presented elements of the Stakeholders Database and various presentations were made on issues of dissemination and IASON future events (Workshop ME D & Workshop BS).


IASON kick-off meeting, June 10 & 11, 2013 Brussels Belgium


During the kick-off meeting that was held in Brussels Belgium and was attended by all project participants and the project officer, Ms Maria-Luisa Tamborra, all partners drafted a work plan to tackle the challenges of the different activities. The IASON project coordinator Prof. Patias of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece validated the plan and declared the official start of the project.


IASON: Fostering sustainability and uptake of research results through networking activities in Black Sea & Mediterranean areas


IASON intends to create the proper conditions for enhancing knowledge transfer capacity building, and market opportunities in using EO applications and mechanisms in specific research fields that are addressing climate actions resource efficiency and raw materials management.

In order to achieve its goal IASON will engage in the following activities:

  • Visible and effective capacity building and knowledge transfer activities with Third countries’ research institutes and organizations, stakeholders and policy makers through the organization of two training workshops (one in each region).
  • Demonstration of market opportunities through uptake of results from three projects (PEG ASO, enviroGRIDS, and IMPACTMIN), best case scenarios and success stories.
  • Identification of projects and networks, using the regional partners’ contacts in the Third Countries, along with input from training workshops, and Advisory Board Memebrs in the thematic fields that have potential for future cooperation.
  • Liase and coordinate dissemination activities with other projects dealing with research and innovation cooperation for the Societal Challenge 5 of Horizon 2020
  • Creation of an innovative web based common information platform with information regarding clustering projects that demonstrate synergy potential, networking tools that will enhance communication between interesting parties. 


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